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The uses of open data, open science for machine learning in healthcare, São Paulo statement on open access, code of conduct at the US National Academy
Open Science in the humanities, named reviewers at Nature, read and publish deals, measles and vaccines, retraction volumes at PLOS ONE
Open for Rare, UC and CUP reach publishing agreement, GLOALL launches, first image of a black hole, a new species of ancient humans
Subscriptions for open access, OMICS fine, reverse-flipping of open access journals, Science’s association with the slave trade, antifungal-resistant fungi
Challenges for subscription models, Chinese libraries support Plan S, a fungus driving species to extinction, citizen science, funding
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ASAPbio’s ReimagineReview, Springer Nature trial with ResearchGate, Elsevier loses Norwegian subscriptions, second patient with long-term remission of HIV
Elsevier’s profit and loss of subscription from the University of California, research reporting in the life sciences, a world without clouds
Faculty evaluations, social impact of machine learning, black mathematicians in the US, progress at PLOS ONE
Transparency of clinical trials, India joins cOAlition S, preprints and the future of publishing, publication ethics at PLOS ONE
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