Open science and the fight against COVID-19, barriers to open science in the Global South, financial woes at US universities, retractions in sociology
Royal Society temporarily removes all paywalls, Open-source ventilators against COVID-19, RIP Phil Anderson, COPE council members, eLife costs of publishing
COVID-19 and: PLOS, vaccines, free content by publishers, protocols on; OA Switchboard RFI, European open access publishing platform
Open data and COVID, Springer Nature IPO cancelled again, underrepresentation of US African Americans in physics, Open Pharma position statement
What open science means for COVID-19 research, Michael J Fox Foundation adopts open access policy, Springer Nature going carbon neutral, PLOS redesign
China moving away from impact factors, Canada open science roadmap, UNESCO open science consultation, US court requires release of clinical trial outcomes
Intellectual property from inventions created by AI, OSTP consultation around OA, PLOS and University of California announce publishing agreement
Financial problems for preprint servers, TOP Factors launched, International Day of Women and Girls in Science, Betelgeuse changing shape.
Implementing open science at an entire institute, Nature and IOP trialling transparent peer review, code of conduct for data handling in genetics, The Craft of Science Writing
Sharing research on the (2019-nCoV) outbreak, journal transparency index, Creative Commons searching for a CEO, high-resolution images of the Sun
EBSCO partners with and Code Ocean, cautions on open initiatives, OSF preprint charges, gender pay gap in New Zealand universities
Compliance deficits reporting clinical trials, AWS registry for open data, transparency in open access pricing, Registered Reports at PLOS ONE
Taylor&Francis buys F1000Research, Wuhan pneumonia outbreak, support letters for US executive mandate of green open access, Photonics Online Meetup, MDPI APC breakdown
Supporting self-correcting science, growth at OSF, Jisc analysis of their read and publish contract, results from a journal sting
Publishers’ response to green open access in the US raise concerns, Springer Nature and Plan S, Crossref annual report, rapid review of outbreak-related preprints, a new Executive Director for Dryad