The Open Scholarship Knowledge Base has launched. A community-run repository of open scholarship resources, supported by ISKME.
Delta Think are running a survey on the attitude towards preprints, and the impact of COVID-19 on this perception. They will will donate $5 to Project HOPE for every survey completed, up to a total contribution of $1,000.
JSTOR have extended their free online reading program until the end of 2020. Supporting readers during the pandemic, anyone can read 100 articles for free online every month, without institutional affiliation.
Low availability of code in ecology: A call for urgent action. This study published in PLOS Biology analyzes code sharing in published ecology research, and the authors find that only 27% of eligible articles were accompanied by code, compared to 79% of eligible articles that share their data.
Publishing computational research — a review of infrastructures for reproducible and transparent scholarly communication. The number of tools that support the scholarly publication of executable code remain rare, and this study assesses the features of 11 common tools. Published in Research Integrity and Peer Review.
Radical Solutions and Open Science. An open access book, edited by Daniel Burgos and published by Springer.
Research Libraries UK are supporting a JISC initiative that asks publishers to reduce subscription fees and other costs. The call comes in light of the difficult budget situation of universities.
MDPI’s Remarkable Growth. Christos Petrou takes a look at their publishing numbers and performance. A guest blog post in Scholarly Kitchen.
Landmark Math Proof Clears Hurdle in Top Erdős Conjecture. The mathematical problem concerns the occurrence of number patterns, and part of it has now been solved.
CODATA-RDA Research Data Science Summer School: Alumni Review and Refresh Online. From 31 August – 11 September, 2020. Application deadline is 24 August.