Should academics share their presentations online? A blog post by Elie Diner for the LSE Impact Blog. On that topic, the ESSOAr preprint server for the Earth and space sciences does facilitate posting of conference presentations, assigns doi persistent identifiers to them, and treats them like other preprinted research output.
“Future-proof and FAIR research data”. A (shared) presentation by Ulrike Wuttke on open data management. Intended for an audience in the humanities, but certainly not just for that field.
“How I Fail in Open Science.” An honest assessment by Veronika Cheplygina on how it also can be difficult to share many things openly, even if it is a matter of prioritizing tasks.
Foundations for Open Scholarship Strategy Development. A preprint on a broad strategy for the implementation of open scholarship.
Clarivate have launched Global Research Reports. The first report is on “Profiles, not metrics” and, well, argues against simplified metrics.
Kumsal Bayazit appointed CEO of Elsevier.
Flipping the large chemistry journal RSC Advances to gold open access has had its challenges – output dropped by more than half in the following year, as international submission patterns shifted. There have of course also been journal flips to full open access without such short-term changes in published output.
How does Plan S compare to efforts in other regions? A comparison between Plan S and AmeliCA for Latin America does highlight some fundamental differences in approach.
Open Quantum Computing: open or cloud-based quantum computing is coming fast, and it won’t just stop at complex physics problems. This week Rigetti Computing has launched its public quantum cloud services. Quantum computing operated in Berkeley, CA, instructed from the cloud. And a Chicago-based group used IBM’s Q Experience to test a fundamental problem in quantum physics (published in Communications Physics).
The massive gnomAD study of 141,456 human exomes and genomes (preprint) to identify genetic variations and related loss-of-function is notable not just for the science but also for its data sharing and open science principles.
As prenatal genetic screening is becoming more advanced, parents need to be prepared for the information potentially available to them, argues a Nature editorial: “[…]clinicians, researchers, ethicists and the public need to come together to develop guidelines about when such testing should be deployed and for which conditions, and how the information should be handled once the results are in.”
Rachel Harding describes her experience with open notebook science in a PLOS Biology Research Matters piece.
ZBW MediaTalk has a list of open science themed conferences and events, here.