UNESCO is working on recommendations on open science. More details are found in the document outlining the desirability of recommendations. This as well as the roadmap for implementation have been approved by last week’s General Conference.
University College London (UCL) has a new, exemplary statement on Transparency in Research.
Indicator frameworks for fostering open knowledge practices in science and scholarship. An independent expert report for the European Commission. Amongst other items it calls for the development of indicator frameworks to support open research infrastructures and practices.
Springer Nature has plans to revive its IPO, reports Bloomberg.
EDP Sciences has been sold to Science Press, which is owned to 74% by the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
COPE has vacancies on its council. Particularly welcome are applications from China, the Middle East, Latin America, and from those with a background in the arts and humanities.
Open access: Could defeat be snatched from the jaws of victory? An 82-page document for the avid reader, by Richard Poynder. Whilst personally I question a number of points and generalizations made, there are arguments made that the community has to address (and has begun addressing), in particular around affordability.
Top Chinese researcher faces questions about image manipulation. Es described in the Science news article, Elisabeth Bik has flagged multiple concerns as part of her publication ethics work. She recently has also raised concerns with around 200 studies from Annamalai University.
Is PLOS Running Out Of Time? Financial Statements Suggest Urgency To Innovate. 🤷🏼♂️ Read the comments.
The Open Science Day 2020 will take place on 15 January, 2020, in Frankfurt, Germany.