Preregistration in linguistic research. A preprint in PsyArXiv by Timo B. Roettger about using the registered reports format in linguistics research.
Teaching practices & values of Open Science and Scholarship needs open infrastructure. Blog post by Tobias Steiner on the Open Science MOOC blog about the limitations experienced by the platform.
PeerJ Preprints to stop accepting new preprints. So far they have posted more than 5,000 preprints. Going forward, the publisher is focussing on their journal program.
XML – why it should be the format of record. River Valley’s Kaveh Bazargan on XML’s advantages, and what it would entail to use it as the format of record. “Publishers must literally have greater confidence in their XML than in their PDF.”
Rise of the platforms. An editorial in Nature Physics explores the blurred interface between (open) publishing platforms and academic journals.
Members of OASPA who deposit their citation data with Crossref now need to make their citation data publicly available. This requirement supports the Initiative for Open Citations. Also, the Institute of Physics has announced that they are joining the Initiative for Open Citations.
Springer Nature’s CEO Daniel Ropers has stepped down and is replaced by the company’s former Chief Commercial Officer Frank Vrancken Peeters. Ropers had been CEO since October 2017.
Open Research London are having an event on sharing research protocols. September 10 in London, UK.
US National Academies Twitter Chat on Reproducibility in Science. September 16 at 1 – 2 pm US Eastern time. Hashtag is #ReproducibilityChat.
Fostering Improved Training Tools For Responsible Research & Innovation (FIT4RRI) are organizing a summit on “shaping the future of open science and society relations.” 19 – 20 March, 2020, in Rome, Italy.