Why you’ll love writing a Registered Report. A guest blog post by Emma Henderson in Prolific about her experience using the registered reports format for a replication study.
Learning from Registered Reports. Marike Schiffer details the journal editors’ perspective of handling registered reports — advantages as well as challenges. Her journal, Nature Human Behaviour, just published its first two registered reports.
Inclusiveness in Open Science Communities. Slides and abstract from a talk by EMBL’s Malvika Sharan. This is am important topic, to ensure that open science (and by extension all research) is inclusive and diverse.
Discussions continue around the term #bropenscience coined by Olivia Guest. Her rationale for the term is described in this twitter thread, which also focuses on the principles of equity, diversity, inclusion. As the discussion on twitter shows, there is a need to discuss these principles in the context of open science (see also the item above). Global equity, diversity and inclusion, independent of gender or nationality, is important for all research. Failing to do pursue diversity in open science is a failure of its underlying principles.
Significant economic benefits? Enhancing the impact of open science for knowledge users. A blog post by Michael Fell for the LSE Impact blog that expands on his full paper (mentioned in issue 20). The focus is for on the efficiency gains as well as challenges in accessing, processing and using knowledge.
SciNote and implemented an improved collaboration between their platforms to seamlessly integrate research data and research protocols.
How do faculty view “open access”? Juan Pablo Alperin, Esteban Morales and Erin McKiernan have surveyed 60 faculty from the USA and Canada on their view what open access (OA) publishing means. Whilst 75% of respondents do associate OA with accessibility, they also raise concerns around quality (8%) and reputation (11%). Posted on the LSE Impact blog.
The CMS collaboration at CERN has released more than 2 PB (two million GB) of proton-proton collision data for machine learning schemes in particle physics.
VizAfrica Botswana will take place at the University of Botswana Gaborone, Botswana, from 18–19 November 2019. The theme is “Application of Data, Information and Scientific Visualization for Resource Management and Sustainability.” Abstract submission deadline is August 19.